What is wrong with me?

What is wrong with me? Have you ever felt like that? It comes unexpectedly. Suddenly you remind yourself of an imperfect moment and then your face starts to feel extremely warm and you consider yourself simply awful. Maybe it's another failure to discipline yourself into getting a task done, or maybe it's the thought that you might never achieve what you wanted to. When this happens, there is no way to stay focused on what you are doing right now. Instead, you just want to escape and watch a show or play a game to relieve the anxiety. But then you fail to finish your task within the deadline and delay them again and again. You eventually give up on yourself and ask: what is wrong with me? The answer to this question is simple. That is nothing. The reason why you are feeling anxious in this way is that you have not accepted the fact that you are not perfect. An “idealised” version of yourself has been formed in your mind, and the discrepancy with your idealised self creates t...